Cache Valley, UT Portrait Photography | Class of 2016 – Izabella

Meet Izabella. She is one of my reps for the class of 2016.

I actually met Izabella while working in my job. She came into my place of work, and I thought she was adorable! She was so bubbly, and I knew that I had to have her as one of my senior reps!

For Izabella’s shoot we traveled up Cub River Canyon. I had driven up there a couple days prior to her shoot, and everything was SO GREEN. Not to mention there was a huge sunflower field I wanted desperately to get my camera on. I called Izabella and told her about the location. She told me that she was actually going to just recommend that place to me. Great minds think alike, I guess.

It had looked like it was going to rain all day, but mother nature was looking out for us. It was, as the song would say it, sunny and 75.

Thanks for bearing through the mud, Izabella. Good luck to you with all that you do in the future.

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Want a shoot with me? Click here for pricing or contact information!

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