Tryston + Breanna | Bloomington Lake Formals

Okay, so if you follow me on Instagram, you know the car trouble I was having a couple of months ago. If you don't follow me on Instagram, I'll briefly summarize what happened (don't worry this all pertains to my formal session with Tryston and Bre). Welllll long story short, some guy RAMS into my car parked on the side of the road cause he dropped his soda and was trying to pick it up - cue eye roll. My car had been in the shop for about three weeks, and I was driving a pretty sweet rental car (jk it was not sweet and I missed my car).

Getting back to the purpose of this blog, Tryston and Bre's formal session, the plan was to go to Bloomington Lake for the session. I was all for it, because have you ever been there? Drool worthy. Well if you've been there, you know you have to drive on a rather rocky road to make it to the parking lot. Me, admittedly being the speed demon I am, probably was going a little too fast in this little rental car of mine and POPPED THE TIRE. Cue meltdown. Luckily for me, two nice men on a razor pulled over and helped me change my tire to this iddy bitty spare that was absolutely not going to get me to Bloomington. They offered to take me up to the parking lot, so I could meet my couple and get on with my day. I gladly accepted. Turns out I actually coached one of their daughters in basketball. WHAT A SMALL WORLD.

Anywho, I roll up to Bloomington in style and Tryston and Bre's reactions were absolutely PRICELESS. I told them what happened, and we all had a great laugh.

Now that we all had safely made it to the parking lot, we had a short hike to the lake. When I saw the lake, I knew that all the trouble to get here was SO WORTH IT. It was breathtaking. I mean, holy guacamole guys. You'll see it in the pictures.

Bre changed into her wedding dress, and I was in awe. It was the most simple, yet elegant dress I had laid my eyes on. She looked absolutely stunning. I was so pumped for Tryston to see her.

After the session was over, they kindly offered to drive me back to my rental car parked on the side of the dirt road. We talked about life and their future on the way down to my car. They're the sweetest couple.

I'm so excited to finally share all their formal pictures with you guys. They're amazeballs.

Here are Tryston and Bre's to-die-for formals.

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