Thigpen Family | Logan UT Family Photography

Marquel and I used to be coworkers at Harris Research. I had always talked about how badly I wanted to take pictures of her little fam in their gorgeous home. I was so happy we were able to make this dream of mine a reality, because IT WAS MAGICAL.

First of all, their little boy, Knox, is the cutest child on planet earth. His little man-bun kills me, and he has the most playful personality. He was so much fun to photograph, because he was constantly laughing and playing.

Second of all, their house is AMAZING. I passed it all the time when I would shoot up Green Canyon, but I had never been inside until our photoshoot day. From the wall full of windows (hello natural light heaven) to the decor, it was a photographer's dream. It was like I had stepped into a Pinterest home. I had major home envy that's for sure!

Third of all, the way they interacted with each other had my heart melting the whole session. Marquel is the sweetest mama and Koddy is such a patient dad. You could tell the love they have in their home is immense, and I'm so thankful I was able to document it.

In home sessions are some of my favorite sessions! There's nothing better than documenting whatever time in your life you're in while being in the comfort of your home. I'm so thankful Marquel and Koddy let me into their home to capture these moments.

Meet the Thigpen family.

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