Mitch + Julia | Preston ID Engagements

One of the first questions I always ask couples is, "How did you two meet?" Every couple's story is so unique. Some meet on tinder, in high school, in college, and occasionally I get the, "We met on our missions," response. Mitch and Julia happened to meet while they were both on their missions in Ukraine. The 'meeting on missions' stories always wow me the most. They always manage to find each other after the mission, and it shows that they truly were meant for each other. Mitch and Julia's story is no different.

This sweet couple travelled far and wide, travelled state lines to come to one of my fav spots in good ol' Preston, ID. If you don't know where Preston is, just think Napoleon Dynamite. The mountains never seize to amaze me here, and that's why I love bringing couples to my neck of the woods.

During our session, they told me mission stories and stories about their love. I learn so much about my couples in the short hour and a half I spend with them. I found out that they had skipped seeing John Mayer to get their engagement pictures taken by me. JOHN MAYER. I felt sooo bad, but also honored that they chose to spend their night with me instead. I'm humble enough to admit that I'm not as cool as John Mayer, though.

I was so sad that I wasn't available for their wedding day after our session. I love their love and their energy I felt during the short time I spent with them. As I write this post, they're already married, loving life. Although I wasn't able to document their special day, I know it was a day filled with so much love and laughter. I wish them a life full of happiness and love!

Meet Mitch + Julia.

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